heart: hurt until you heal
Healing doesn’t mean we get rid of what has happened. We don’t undo the trauma, we don’t ‘right’ the ‘wrongs.’ These wounds don’t disappear.
Instead, we learn to carry our hurt. We stop ignoring it, we stop hiding it, resenting it, pushing it down deeper. We stop letting it weigh us down. We learn strength, we learn resilience. We learn how to carry it.
personal: the surrender
Asking for help is not an easy feat, especially when you're unsure of what you need help with, where you are in your journey, and you're too lost to even know where help is. Depression is a mental illness that is ridden in shame and heaviness, but it doesn't need to be that way. Read here about Paige's journey to recovery.
quarantine tips
Quarantine, social distancing, and this amount of uncertainty is new to all of us. I keep moving between contentment and precariousness - a real rollercoaster of emotions. I count myself lucky to love the home I live in, to live with my partner, and to have the company of two little kitties. I’ve also been doing a handful of things to help me through these times, and I would like to share them with all of you.
personal: prakriti
I feel that I’ve had a lesson in learning prakriti recently. The power of illusion. Of distruth. Of being challenged and pushed to far from purusa. Of being entirely enveloped and unable to be pulled from chaos. Of being brought so out of balance that I didn’t even know where balance could be found. All because of bed bugs.