7 foods you'd think are vegan, but aren't
There are foods that we don’t think twice about. Foods and brands that we would think wouldn’t have animal products. It baffles me every day how many random (and previously trusted!) brands contain the products I avoid! Here’s a list of 7 common ones.
Gelatin. This is made from animal by-products such as hooves, bones and cartilage, ligaments and tendons, teeth, skin and more. Yuck. This sneaky bugger is often in jelly foods and candies (gummies, jello, etc.), gel capped medicines and vitamins, marshmallows, some brands of peanuts, and even some toothpastes! Read your labels… this is everywhere.
Pesto - often has cheese in it.
Shortening - often this is made from animal fat.
Worscheshire sauce - anchovies.
Soups - make sure that they are made with vegetable broth.
Bread and buns - often they will have milk powder in them.
Some brands of potato chips - if you’re looking for a safe bet, I’m obsessed with these two lately: Old Dutch Chive & Cheese and Frankie’s Organic Clouds
Are you familiar with more? Let me know in the comments!