heart: beyond grief
You came in here
and it was summer
blue skies
green all around
now I sit here
at the foot of your bed
as you drift
in and out
of sleep
I look at the window
and it’s snowing
big, heavy snowflakes
(maybe they wouldn’t seem
so heavy
any other year)
it has only been two months
since this
became your home
it shouldn’t be snowing
it’s not time yet
it’s like we skipped
right over fall
but I sit here
and can’t help
but think that
you’ve taken
the season
your leaves are
your colours are
you are transitioning
from one thing
to another
from yang
to yin
from heat
to coolness
from life
you transition
you’re autumn
but we are already
in the dead of winter
the season
has come early
the cold
the dark
the still
we are grieving
and we have a
long winter
ahead of us
but maybe instead
of looking at the greys
and blues and
whites of the winter
maybe instead of
looking at the
colourless fallen leaves
we need to look past
the snow capped mountains
to see the reds
and oranges
the yellows and pinks
and purples
in the sky
as the sun sets
for the
just beyond
and maybe
we need to
turn to glance
over our shoulders
just in time to catch the moon
you are bigger than
the seasons
and life is bigger
than this