Homeopathic Appointments

Different appointments for different needs

The Initial Appointment

for adults and children

This initial homeopathic comprehensive consultation is an extended appointment that explores at length all aspects of your complaints, personal and medical history, lived experience and and desired treatment outcome. We will also discuss your family history, childhood and more.

For adults, this appointment usually ranges from 2-3 hours in length, with the children’s appointment ranging from 1-2 hours.

Within five business days following your initial appointment, you will receive instructions via email for your homeopathic remedy prescription. You'll be provided with any dietary or lifestyle recommendations, along with any supplementary resources to support you on your healing journey.

The Followup Appointment

for adults and children

In this appointment, our focus remains on fine-tuning your treatment plan to best suit your individual response and evolving needs.

All followup appointments consist of a thorough review and assessment to your response to the prescribed remedy. This includes any change in your specific symptoms and overall welling.

This appointment will address any concerns or questions you may have, and often uncover new layers of the symptom picture which help to bolster the totality of symptoms and the entire symptom picture.

For adults, this appointment usually ranges from 1-2 hours in length, with the children’s appointment ranging from 45 minutes-1.5 hours.

The suggested timing for a followup appointment is variable and dependent on the individual and the individual treatment. Generally it falls within the 4-8 week range following the start of a remedy, but as treatment goes on it will transition to 3-6 month followup frequencies.

Consistent homeopathic care is required for successful homeopathic treatment. Healing takes time and dedication, and it takes the efforts of both homeopath and patient.

The Acute Appointment

for all ages and all acute conditions, existing clients and new

This appointment is for acute situations like cold, flus, coldsores, bladder infections, injuries, etc. In just 15-20 minutes, we concentrate on the specific acute ailment, and a remedy will be prescribed within three hours of the appointment.

Often times, acute situations are a reflection of the greater issue at hand. Constitutional homeopathic care is recommended to explore this further.

The Conscious Conception Appointment

for those who wish to conceive

This homeopathic consultation has a focus on conscious conception and is for anyone who is hoping to achieve pregnancy. This appointment still maintains the holistic approach of homeopathy and includes a comprehensive overview of all aspects of health, with a focus on reproductive health and outcomes.

Often when thinking of prenatal care, we think of the immediate future. This appointment is appropriate even for those thinking further down the line (many years from now) as well. Remember, healing takes time.

This homeopathic therapy can support those who wish to conceive naturally, but is also complementary to those going through assisted fertility treatments such as IVF or IUI. Homeopathy can help with the side effect of these treatments, as well as help prepare the body for a successful pregnancy.

This appointment is for any gender who wishes to explore reproductive health and conception.

You can expect this appointment to range from 2-3 hours in length.

The Prenatal Appointment

for those who are currently pregnant

This homeopathic consultation has a focus on prenatal wellbeing and the health and development of your baby. The health of a pregnant parent is directly related to the health of a growing fetus and therefore by treating the parent we can treat the baby.

This appointment maintains the holistic approach of homeopathy and includes a comprehensive overview of all aspects of health, with a focus on reproductive health and successful pregnancy outcomes.

This appointment is appropriate for more acute complaints as well, such as morning sickness, body pains, digestive complaints, skin complaints and other symptoms that arise with pregnancies.

You can expect this appointment to range from 2-3 hours in length.

Included in the prenatal appointments is consideration of any birth plans, desires and wishes you have for how you choose to bring your child into this world. It also includes prenatal care autonomy and birth autonomy support.

Homeopathic care can be requested for during your labour, birth, and immediate postpartum in Vancouver, BC.

Homeprophylaxis Appointments

$59 CAD

For Homeopathic prophylaxis plan

This is a 45 minute appointment to address any desires to use homeopathy as prevention and prophylaxis. This appointment is for any age.

From this appointment you will receive homeopathic remedy prescription plan for your illness of concern, whether is it travel related (malaria, travellers diarrhea, hepatitis, etc.), seasonal (cold and flu), or related to routine vaccination schedules (MMR, DPT, etc.).

Pre/Post Operation Support

$38 CAD

For pre/post operation or procedure plan

This is a tailored 20–30 minute online consultation to prepare and support your body before and after surgery. Includes personalized homeopathic remedies to promote healing, reduce pain, and minimize complications for a smoother recovery.

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