heart: silken stars
it is not your perfection
that is my most-loved part of you
in fact, it is the opposite:
your imperfections
they are each one tiny
but miraculously significant star
in the constellation
that is you
I could not label one single
part of you as a “favorite”
because all of these pieces that
dance together
painting this beautiful picture
that is the entirety of
your being
pieces linked together
with the silk thread
that is breath
that is life
that is light
it is all of these pieces
this dance with the wild
(your wild)
this coalescence of your parts
that makes you
and it is this same silk thread
that weaves together
my imperfections
tying them
to your imperfections
it is these pieces of you
that are likened to
these pieces in me
from my imperfection
I see and honour
your imperfection
and through this
I honour the complexity
of our beings
of our imperfections
because through
the intricacy of our imperfections
we find our
innate perfection